If you stay with us at El Barco or La Casita, you may see occasional people coming and going from the “studio” on the property. These people work for Abrazo Style, which manufactures women’s apparel and accessories here in Oaxaca and markets them in the States. A proud member of the Fair Trade Federation, this socially responsible business was founded in 2009 by Adele, who comes down to work with the artisans about four times each year, staying in El Barco or La Casita when they’re not rented or with our lovely neighbors when guests are here.
If you’d like to learn more about Abrazo Style and what it’s like working with artisans in Oaxaca and Chiapas, below are some links that will help.
The online store’s website is AbrazoStyle.com (external link).
The founding story is here (external link).
A couple of Adele’s most interesting blogs are here (external link).
All of Adele’s blogs are here (external link). They are a treasure trove of cultural insights. Of course she knows even more now than she did when she wrote these a few years ago, but the business has become so time consuming that her blogging is temporarily on hold. The blog site and original business name was Latin Threads Trading Co., which now does business as Abrazo Style.