
Map from turnoff on main highway to El Barco.

A Google Map of driving directions and hiking trails is here.

Enter “Casa El Barco, San Pablo Etla” into Google Maps and it should lead you right to the door from any direction. Alternatively, the dirt road at the head of our driveway is Camino a Río Sapo, 3ra Secc San Pablo Etla, 68258 San Pablo Etla, Oax., Mexico. The resulting placemark is near to our house. Most Mexican and Gringo locals know the name of the house, which is near Casa Raab.

Directions from the airport by car (in Spanish below):

Make a left on to Hwy 175 following signs toward “Mexico”. This will take you around the periphery of the city. (Daytime traffic can be heavy and navigation might be awkward at some intersections.)

Once you arrive on the northwest side of Oaxaca, you will be on the on the main carretara (4- lane road) headed toward Mexico City (Hwy 190).

At the large Benito Juarez Monumento in the middle of the road (hard to notice because it’s facing away from Oaxaca), turn right (north toward the hills) into Trinidad de Viguera town. (If driving from Mexico City, turn left into Viguera.) Watch the road carefully, as sometimes grates are missing, leaving deep holes.

1.35 km (0.8 mi.): go left at the Y. You are now on Camino Seminario. Watch for topes (speed bumps).

Soon you’ll continue past the first sign for Sn Pablo Etla (straight arrow). Ignore the second sign for San Pablo!!! (the one with an arrow pointing left); keep going straight.

2.6 km (1.5 mi.) from the carretera: the road bends sharply right on the ridgetop.

300 meters later: go left (“Casa Raab” gate and sign is on right).

100 meters from the Casa Raab junction: go left at fork.

Pass through the gate.

El Barco (our house) is the white one at the back-left #2. La Casita is the wooden gate on the left.

El Barco land phone: 520-4026 (from US: 011-52-951-520-4026)

House cell: (044) 951-116-8050

Manager, Florencio Villa’s cell number: dialed from a land line: 044 951 110 2813; dialed from a Mexican cell: 951 110 2813; dialed from the US: 011 52 1 951 110 2813

Lat/lon: 17 08.613 N, 096 45.046 W

Link to Google Map:

From the airport directions in Spanish:

Direcciones a El Barco y La Casita

El noroeste de Oaxaca en el carretara principal (camino 4-lane) dirigió hacia Ciudad de México.

En el monumento grande de Benito Juarez en el centro del camino (revestimientos lejos de Oaxaca): De la Ciudad De Oaxaca: dé vuelta a la derecha en la ciudad de Trinidad de Viguera (de Ciudad de México: dé vuelta a la izquierda en Viguera).

En Y-bifurcacion viene 1.35 kilómetros del carretera: Vaya a la izquierda.

Pronto usted verá la primera muestra para San Pablo Etla (flecha recta). Usted está en Camino Seminario aquí.

(No haga caso de la segunda muestra para San Pablo!!! — el que esta’ con una flecha que señala a la izquierda.) Sigue derecho.

En la tapa de la colina (2.6 kilómetros del carretera) el camino hay una curva por la derecha.

300 metros de este curva, toman a bifurcación izquierda (hay un letrero a la derecha que dice de “Casa Raab”).

100 metros mas adelante, toma la primera izquierda (hay un letrero que dice “Privada Camino al Seminario”).

Hay tres casas. La nuestra esta entre los tres, #2. La casa se llama “El Barco”. Si se pierde, pregunta por “la casa EL Barco” o la casa de “Doña Adela”.

Casa: 520-4026 (del US: 011-52-951-520-4026)
Celular a la casa: (044) 951-116-8050
Administrador, Florencio Villa’s celular: 044 951 110 2813, de un celular: 951 110 2813, de los EU: 011 52 1 951 110 2813